Photos of Trina from October 2014 🍃 These were from a Zipper magazine–inspired shoot organized by their friend group. I was super into aomoji-kei at the time, so when I was invited to join their shoot I said yes right away. It's been more than a decade, so I don't remember much, only that it was a little rainy that day. I'm not very good with gray skies, so I was worried about the photos, but they turned out nicer than I thought. Tbh I took so many photos from this day, it's a shame I can't find the others anymore...ꃋᴖꃋ
These days I've been looking at my old J-fashion magazines and photobooks a lot, and it just makes me miss doing photoshoots with friends even more. Is 2025 the year I finally get back into it? Hopefully, haha. We'll see!