review : OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
Three months late is way too late for this, but happy belated new year everyone! I hope 2021 has been good to you so far. Sorry for disappearing off the radar once again. Well, from the blogosphere at least. Being the extremely slow starter that I am, it's taking me longer than expected to get used to the ~new normal~. (I really don't like that phrase, but that seems to explain the current state of things best.) But we're slowly but surely easing back into regular scheduled programming, which includes -hopefully- regular blogposts!

Earlier this year I was contacted by OLENS Global to review two more (!!) lens collections. Today I'll be introducing the first one, which is a brand new design released just last February—the French Gold 3Con* 💖

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
The French Gold 3Con is the newest series of contact lens produced by OLENS. This series was inspired by the Y2K aesthetic that's super popular these days! OLENS describes the French Gold 3Con as 'fantural'. With a subtle graphic pattern and well-blended colors, these lenses are a good balance of natural + fancy.

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
Just as the name says, these lenses are a mix of 3 colors, with gold being one of them. While the combinations differ for each colorway, all three have a gold inner ring. The design also has an outer/limbal ring, but it's very subtle. They chose a color that's slightly darker than the actual lens color, so it blends very well with the rest of the lens. The way the colors blend in the French Gold 3Con series is actually almost watercolor-like, it's very pretty. The lenses have a graphic diameter of 13.1mm, so it's just a tiny bit enlarging, not too much.

Because I reviewed the Scandi collection previously and have been wearing Scandi lenses for some time now, I'm familiar with the series so I tried to make some comparisons with the French Gold 3Con lenses.

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
Compared to the Scandi's true gray color, the French Gold 3Con has a more bluish hue. It has a subdued gold inner ring and a gray outer ring. Normally I have a hard time wearing gray lenses that lean blue because I'm warm-toned, but I really like how these blended with my natural eye color. The blue-gray is a lot more visible under natural light though! Out of the three colors, I think the gray gave me the ~Y2K feel~ best. Feels like I have that high-teen vibe, haha! (Also, how cute is the lavender box? 💜)

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
The most natural color from French Gold 3Con series, these are perfect for everyday contacts. These are hazel lenses with a gold inner ring and a brown outer ring. If you have naturally dark brown eyes like me, the design isn't going to stand out much, even the outer ring. I like the effect a lot though! Compared to the Scandi, the French Gold 3Con's hazel is more subdued, so the color isn't as striking. Between the two, I personally prefer these. The overall effect actually reminds me of the Nudy Brown lenses I used to love wearing years ago, only these are a lot more subtle natural-looking. My favorite out of the three!

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
Olive-colored lenses with a gold inner ring and dark olive outer ring. This colorway has the softest color combination out of all three. Compared to Scandi's Olive lenses, these are a greener olive color. But again, because of my dark brown eyes, the green color really doesn't show much. (I'm going to try wearing these again when I have the chance to actually go out of the house, just to see how they look under natural light.) These lenses give off a very calm feel/vibe, so these would look great even for minimal makeup looks.

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
French Gold 3Con lenses are made from Puscon (Phosphorylcholine), which is a contact lens material developed by OLENS. It has the same molecular structure as our bodies, which makes it highly biocompatible. Puscon is also hydrophilic—it pulls water from the air to form a solid moisture barrier on the surface of the contact lens, which prevents evaporation and provides moisture for 12 hours. This gives it its high water content (48%). If you have extra-sensitive eyes, these are great. My eyes tend to get dry very quickly, but I can wear them for a long period of time without any problems. Super comfortable!

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
All French Gold 3Con lenses come in boxes of 10. So that's 5 pairs of lenses per box. I understand that these seem a bit expensive for $21 (versus other locally available options), but think of it this way: personally, I only ever wear lenses maybe once a month these days. All other times I just wear glasses. Sometimes I don't even wear lenses at all. So with a box of 10 lenses I can get up to 5 months' worth of lenses, or maybe even a year if I don't wear lenses every month. If you think about value for money, it's a pretty good deal right?

OLENS French Gold 3Con Contact Lens Review |
Yet another beautiful addition to the OLENS roster! While I already loved how natural-looking Scandi lenses are, there are times that I couldn't wear certain colors (the hazel, especially) with more minimal makeup looks, so I understand that this might be the case too for some people. If you want something that's just a tiny bit more subtle-looking, I recommend the French Gold 3Con! I mostly compared them to the Scandi line, but I was told that these lenses can be compared to the OLENS Vivi Ring series as well. Personally, I think the French Gold 3Con is right in the middle of the two designs, with the Vivi Ring being the most natural and the Scandi being a bit more dramatic/fancy. The French Gold 3Con is the perfect middle ground.

💌 Use my code "CHAINYAN" when you purchase through OLENS Global for an additional 10% off! Free worldwide shipping on orders over $100. For those in the PH, OLENS also has an official store on Shopee (*´︶`*)♡

DISCLAIMER: Product(s) sent to me by OLENS Global for review, but the opinions expressed here are 100% my own. Also, this post contains affiliate links. Clicking those links before you make a purchase means that receives a small commission, which helps to support the blog. Please see my full disclaimer for more information.