Taking a quick break from cramming for the July JLPT to share my photos from April :)

In April I thought of doing something different, so Aian and I tried a few food establishments around BFRV that we hadn't gone to before. We tried Cholate Bar and Cafe and Kaijo Steaks and Ramen. The food at Cholate was pretty good. I couldn't really gauge it properly though, as I only had chicken salad and a chocolate milkshake (I wasn't super hungry and just wanted a drink, ok). Aian had a pasta dish and he liked it as well. I'm hoping to go back sometime in the future, maybe then I can try other dishes. As for the food at Kaijo, it was okay. Aian and I both ordered their shoyu ramen, just so we had an idea if it was good or not. It was just okay. The problem with ramen is that once you've had REALLY GOOD RAMEN, you won't be satisfied with eating anything less. Kaijo's ramen was good, but not something I'll order again. Might come back to try something else though. They have good reviews so I'm guessing it was just that we weren't satisfied with their ramen.

It was also around that time that I found out about the existence of a Macao Imperial Tea branch in BFRV! We've been going to Infinitea all this time without knowing that a Macao was just a few blocks away. (Not that I don't like Infinitea, okay!) Their Cheesecake and Pearl Milk Tea is SO GOOD. I thought it was just so-so at first, but that was because I drank it without mixing the cheesecake part. The saltiness of the cheesecake with the sweetness of the milk tea is so yummy. I like sweet things that have salty things mixed in (but not the opposite heh), so I was so glad to have tried it. I had milk tea twice that month because I kept thinking about it afterwards.

Early that month we spotted this chonker of a cat outside our apartment. I knew immediately that he wasn't a stray, because he was SO FAT. I knew because I tried to carry him. I was able to do so too (although barely), so that was another sign that he had an owner somewhere. We kept seeing and feeding this one whenever he came to us. That went on for a few days until his owner finally came looking for him. We were told that he escaped while they were bathing him or something. Whatever the reason was, I was just relieved that he was able to go back home.

On April 13th, I went out to attend the Canmake's 5th Anniversary celebration. Only, I didn't actually make it in time for the event, lol. Which was super annoying, because I missed the event because of something unreasonable. Canmake is a brand that's very close to my heart, so I felt bad that I couldn't be there for their anniversary. What's more, I couldn't even meet up with Chichi, Kaye, and my other friends who were there at the event. I was pretty bitter the entire afternoon, lol.

The only good thing that happened that day was us getting to try out Hawker Chan, finally! Whenever we decide to try this place out, it's always packed with people. That day we were lucky to come in with only three other people ahead of us in line, so we finally got to eat there! The food was good, as expected, but I still prefer the food we eat in Malaysia. (Of course.) Their Steamed Gai Lan was delicious though!

Something peculiar that's been happening since February (until now). Jakejake being SUPER BABY. I only noticed it in April, which is why I have a lot of photos, but he's become so much clingier than usual, for some reason. I don't hate it, but it's gotten to a point that I can't lie on the bed without him wanting to be pat on the butt, lol. He gets super cranky when I'm not on the bed when it's (what he thinks is) bedtime, too. It feels a bit like I have to take care of a toddler since he makes SO MUCH NOISE until he gets what he wants. But he's cute, so it's okay.

Sometimes Ame tries to do it as well. This is Jake's father, by the way. Also a baby, as you can see.

I forgot what we were celebrating, but sometime late April we stayed over at this resort in the village I grew up in. It's a resort now, but back then it used to be home to family friends of my mother's side of the family. I even got to see it in 2017, back when they still lived there. When we were younger, we used to go here all the time to swim, but I've never actually been inside the house before. I was surprised to see what the inside actually looked like. Chandeliers, huge rooms, floral wallpaper all over the walls. I was told there used to be a fountain inside the house as well! The tiled bathroom is my favorite part. (Although it was only one of the many bathrooms.)

While I was at my mom's I found my Rilakkuma bedsheet that I bought back in 2012. I missed it a lot so I took it home with me to use for our bed. The kids seemed to really like it a lot, especially Mori~

Now, one of the main highlights of April—my very first MNL48 Handshake Event! I was....not prepared for the events of that day, hah. I don't think anything could have prepared me for the amount of testosterone at the event, haha! It was my very first handshake event, and because I'm not familiar with how J-pop idol events worked, I stuck to Ciara, Kang, and Sachi the whole time. They guided me the whole time, so I'm super thankful. I lined up for Gabb, Ash, Faith, and Yzabel. I came in with only four tickets but Kang gave me two of hers and Faith's dad (!!) gave me one as well, so I got to spend a little more time with the girls. It was fun! I made a little post-event recap on Twitter, but it's mostly just me rambling about how much I Love Girls LOL. 10/10 would go again, but hopefully next time they choose a place that's not so far up North haha;;

As usual, ending this post with photos of our babies ♥ By the way, if you've been following this blog for a while and are wondering why I don't always have photos of everyone, it's because some of our cats are harder to take photos of than others. Ame and Mong, for instance, will almost always move when I start taking pictures. Mimi doesn't like being stared at (LOL) so he moves away sometimes. On the other hand, Jake and Mori seem to always be game when it comes to taking pictures, which is why I always have new photos of them every month, haha.
I'm a bit behind on these recap posts, but hopefully I'll be able to put up my May-June photodiaries as well as some new content after the JLPT. Just less than two weeks! _(:3 」∠)_