2018 goals

2018 goals | chainyan.co
Time once again to share my new goals for the new year! Just like last year's, most of these are short-term goals that I feel would benefit me in the long run. Compared to previous years, I now have a more concrete idea of what kind of person I want to become, and what kind of life I want to live. Last year's goals were my first few stepping stones to becoming my ideal version of myself. I experienced the most personal growth in 2017 compared to other years, so in 2018 I want to continue with the same end goal in mind. And so without further ado, let's jump right into it! :)

2018 Goals

1. Try more things that lay outside of my comfort zone – It's only natural to be bad at something you've never even tried before, right? I always say this to myself, but my social anxiety thinks otherwise. My social anxiety is a bitch that won't even let me try a new thing without making my brain think that other people will judge me for being bad at it. It's frustrating, especially when I see my friends enjoying this new thing. I want to try new things, too! This year I'm going to keep pushing myself to try new things at least once or twice. I'm going to list everything as well, so at the end of the year I can look back at all the new things I tried in 2018. As of this writing, I've already done two: 1) ask Aian to play an arcade game together; and 2) try archery!

2. Commit to the KonMari Method – One of the lines in The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up goes, "The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past." And it really struck me. How much junk have I accumulated under the pretense of keeping them as memories? I tested this by opening one of my "memory boxes" one day. I know sentimental items are supposed to be the very last category when following the KonMari Method, but I wanted to test myself. I looked at the contents of my memory box... and it was 90% junk. The only items of importance there were a few rolls of undeveloped film from 2012 and a handwritten letter from Aian. That was it. Everything else went straight to the trash. And it felt great. I've been trying to do this whole decluttering thing for a couple of years now, but I always stop midway. I realized while reading Spark Joy that the only way I can really rid my life of clutter is to commit myself 100% to tidying. This year, I plan on doing just that. Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll be able to look at my space and only see things that spark joy.

3. Work on becoming stronger 💪 – My initial reason for getting into working out was to lose weight, but I realize now that the focus should be on losing fat and not losing weight. This year I'm going to try and be more active. Just a little bit more than last year should be fine. I'm going to continue doing the workouts on Nike Training Club, and then after a few months, maybe try a new physical activity like Crossfit or Boxing.

4. Set a more rigid schedule – Since I mostly only do content creation for the blog, I don't really have a rigid schedule. Or I should say, it's hard to have one. I'm the type of person that works in random bursts of energy. Also, I can only come create content that I can be satisfied with when I'm feeling good. (Is it an INFP thing?) While this 'work pattern' works well enough for me, I don't like that I waste a lot of time in between. I'd like to have a set schedule that can accommodate my strange work pattern, my even stranger sleeping pattern, plus any new activity that I'll be trying this year.

5. Get back to doing photoshoots – Just because I miss doing these! The reason why I stopped doing photoshoots is pretty simple – I just got tired of it. Whenever I did photoshoots with my friends, I would do almost everything—set design, makeup, styling, photography, post-processing. Everything besides modeling, basically. It was fun, but it was a lot of work, so I stopped. I continued to take photos of people during ACG events after that, but my dSLR battery would die after just a few minutes of shooting. Eventually it became a hassle to keep charging my battery every few minutes, so I stopped bringing my dSLR with me. I finally bought a new battery and a new charger earlier this month, so hopefully I can get back to doing casual shoots with friends!

2018 goals | chainyan.co

6. Learn how to play bass guitar – Something I've been wanting to do for ages! I realize though, that I can only do this if I manage to actually get my hands on a bass guitar this year. We'll see!

7. Take the JLPT N4 exam – I took the N5 exam last year and it felt amazing. The feeling of being able to breeze through the listening exam was what made me think, "Ah, maybe I can learn this after all!" Which is why I've decided to focus on my Japanese language studies this year. For N5 I only did roughly about three months of semi-serious studying and A LOT of help from Duolingo. That's...not something I recommend anyone doing lol. That might have gotten me through the N5 exam, but I'm sure that won't fly for N4. I've decided to slowly but surely work towards N4. For this, I bought the Genki I and II textbooks and workbooks while we were in KL. I'm starting from the beginning to fill in any gaps left by my haphazard studying methods from last year. The goal is to take the N4 in July, but I can always take it in December if I feel like I need more time to study. Either way, I'm taking it this year!

8. Write more anime and manga related blog content – Just because. 2018 will be the year I come out of the weeb closet!

9. Be kinder to myself and everyone else – "Have courage and be kind." I haven't seen the 2015 Cinderella movie, but when it came out I saw a lot of people posting this quote. I liked it a lot, so I've kept it in mind ever since. Having courage is something that comes easily for me, thanks to years of hardening myself emotionally. But being kind—especially to myself—isn't as easy. I'm going to try my best to change that. I want to become a kinder person, even if it's just by 10%.

10. Visit Japan and/or Taiwan – This is probably the goal I'm least likely to accomplish, only because whether or not I'm able to travel this year is entirely dependent on Aian's workload. (I can't go on solo trips abroad because Aian will get envious LOL.) Still, I'm adding it to my list of goals anyway. Believe in the Law of Attraction!! 🙏

That's it for now, I guess? I might add more if I feel like it, but I'll start with these. Wish me luck this year as well!

What are some of your goals for the new year?