Hellooo, long time no blogpost!✨ It feels a bit strange to not post anything on the blog for more than two weeks, especially since just a few months back I was putting up at least 2-3 entries a day. The reason for not posting anything is because I've recently decided to focus on two things – 1) preparing for the December JLPT, and 2) maintaining a healthy diet and exercising. If I were to compare the two, I'd say the latter is much harder because I'm coming from a super sedentary lifestyle, with 70% of my diet being fastfood and other junk. I'm now eating a lot more veggies. I'm also working out at least 15 minutes a day, 2-3 times a week. Whenever I have time to walk, I walk. My initial motivation was to lose weight, but now I'm focusing on getting stronger. It's super challenging, but I think I'm doing okay.
Today I finally found some time to sit down and write a post, so I thought I'd do a quick one and share some photos I took last August. I'll write a more detailed life update next time. This one is going to be mostly photos of the kids again, but you probably knew that already ;)

A friend commented that I don't post a lot of photos of Jake compared to the others, so now I'm trying to take more photos of him. The reason for not having a lot of photos of him is because I often forget about taking photos when I'm playing with him. Jake is a super playful and active kitty (which is why we call him Jake the puppycat), so playtime is serious business.

Also, I only ever take derpy photos of the kids these days, and a derpy Jake is quite rare to see lol.

I finally got around to dropping off more of my old clothes at H&M. (No kitties included.)

Had lunch at Cafe Mary Grace after. I really like their creamy salmon pasta, but I kind of wish it had just one big piece of salmon rather than little chunks. Also got to try Coffee Bean's new Mexican Chocolate drink, thanks to Ashley's gift cert!

Went back to Southmall a couple of days after, to buy this super cute Choppy T-shirt at UNIQLO heheh ♥

More sleepy kitties. My phone right now pretty much only has photos of the kids in weird sleeping positions.

Nora's kids hogging the bed while I was trying to work.

Cats and cacti at my grandma's house.

Sometime mid-August we went back to Divi to do the second fitting for the dress for my dad's wedding. The dress turned out pretty cute!

I haven't looked inside a single thrift store ever since I started decluttering. The main reason is that just being inside a thrift store makes me want to buy things, which is why I'd rather not go inside one. We passed by one when I went out to buy a new sports bra at the nearby Jockey though, so I thought, why not. Thankfully I didn't find anything too cute. So my no-impulse-buying streak is still going strong!

Last August 11th, a new food park called Localle opened up along BF Resort Drive. We got to check it out a few days after it opened, and we've gone for dinner three times since. Our go-to stall there is Fire Pit, which has really good Honey BBQ Chicken and BBQ Pork Ribs. We also recently tried ordering from Despaseafood. I got their Garlic Suahe, and liked that a lot as well. I want to try the food from lot of other stalls but because we keep going during dinner time, we always end up ordering the same thing because....rice is life lol.

We finally bought a new fridge! Our old one broke a few months ago, and during that time we mostly ate out or had food delivered. (I gained like 3kg during that time....) Ever since we got our new fridge, I've been catching Leng staring at his reflection in it. It's so funny because all he does is sit there for minutes and stare at his reflection lol. So cute.

Leng and Jake have become a lot closer these days. Before they wouldn't even sleep on the bed.

Jake photobombing Leng lol

Clingy kitties. We've been getting a lot of thunderstorms recently, so the kids have become clingier than usual. On particularly cold days, we'll wake up with four or five kitties sleeping on the bed with us.

They're visibly much clingier towards Aian though. I'm a bit jealous, to be honest ;___;