Sooo, I understand that this is probably a very cliché thing to do, but I'm going to come right out say it – Hello, October! ♥ October is my birth month, so naturally, I look forward to it every year. This year, we started the month off by attending both days of Cosplay Mania, the biggest ACG event in the Philippines. (Just a quick warning – this post is VERY image-heavy!)

Highlights of Day 1: watching Seishun Kakumei perform in the Little AKIBA Cosplay Idol Contest, seeing my Kawaii PH fam after 10,000 years, meeting friends I've only ever talked to online, scoring a beautiful Utsutsu figure, receiving a bunch of early birthday gifts from friends (like a Nendo Kenma and Minicchu Maki), aaand, getting to see Rippi perform live (!!!) ♥ ♥ ♥
Highlights of Day 2: seeing a lot of both old and new friends, squealing over how much Yukari Shimotsuki looks like Uruha in person, helping Aian meet Tomia and taking photos while he gets his photobook signed, staying behind and helping out at the Kawaii PH Booth while Aian and the others watch BACK-ON perform at the JAM Concert (read: taking down merchandise while the floor kept moving), and lastly, fangirling over Francis, Chichi, and Kaye's Over The Garden Wall cosplay! * u *
And that was my CosMania experience! I can't remember the last time I attended both days of a local event. I was so tired that I slept almost the whole day after. It was tiring, but really fun. I wish I could've gone to some of the Meet and Greets though. But I had fun! Aian and the others had fun too—they couldn't stop talking about BACK-ON even after we got home, haha. I'm also glad I got to take and share a lot of photos this time. I purposely didn't caption the photos since I wanted everyone to just look at and enjoy the photos as they are, heheh. (See if you can recognize the cosplays in the photos!) I have yet to take photos of our CosMania loot though, so I'll save those for a separate post. Please look forward to it ♥