Cosplay Mania 2014 was held last 5th and 6th of October 2014, at the SMX Convention Center. CosMania is one of the few major cons that I look forward to every year, so I made sure I brought my camera to take photos. Only problem was, we arrived suuuper late (around 6:30PM-ish LOL) so I wasn't able to take a lot of photos ;; Really glad I was still able to catch some friends at the con though! (Hi gais, sorry for asking you for selfies even though some of you were already tired / out of cosplay already ;; Next time di na ko magpapa-late orz) I managed to take some event photos, too. More under the cut! ♥

Babyming Leny as Xiaoyu (Nendoroid version lolol)

I insisted on taking a ton of photos with Leny that day, lol. It's because even though she always models for me, we never get to take photos together. Would you believe that before this, our last photo was taken more than a year ago? Crazy. Big thanks to kuya Kiko for helping us capture this rare moment *shoujo tears*

With Nicoooooo and Reikaaaaaa (+ Gong Cha omg)

After 2931719 years, I finally got to take decent photos with my honey T^T

So many tights! I was looking for Halloween-themed things for a feature I'll be writing, but I forgot to take photos /fail

Lots and lots of kitty things at Curls & Twirls! (I really wanted a white version of that tiger bag....)

With cute bbys Trina and Micel~!

CUTE BABY. There were A LOT of Chopper plushies that day wtf.

Berry Drop booth selling super pretty mori girl things! Was very happy to see a mori kei booth at a local con.

With moe moe Dycee and Leilei, who coincidentally had similar hair colors that day.

With the always-pretty Xandra + her Bepo plushie that I wanted to steal ;____;

Dropped by the Babymetal PH booth cos I thought they were selling official merch. (They weren't orz)

Super cute Sanji-Choppy + ROBIIIIIIN-CHWAAAAAAAAAN ♥ ♥ booth! So many pretty figures T_____________T

Pretty necklaces and chokers by ToxicKitty! I wanted to buy all the chokers with crosses..

With friends from Eiwa Manga Store!! Thank you for all the help with artbook orders!! (And for always being patient with me ehehehe ♥)

Miku Nendos! Why does Miku get all the cute faceplates wtf. I wanted them all for my GUMI ;___;

Super pretty girls Nikka and Nechi~! Dropped by the Dragon Nest PH booth just so we can take a photo together heheh ♥

Benio and Benten from Zone-00! Glad I stuck around til late, else I wouldn't be able to catch this!

With Jolleen in her awesome Benten cosplay! And Nilo, who I bumped into inside MoA lolol.

Last but not least, my outfit~! I'll try to take better photos of this outfit next time, since I really like it~
This post took so much longer to write than I expected ; v ; I wanted to write this post more objectively (?), but because I kept adding selfies with friends, it turned out like this ;; I think this is what happens whenever I write about conventions.. I have so much to say that I end up rambling about every single thing. I remember one person commenting that I sounded 'cute' in these kinds of posts.. but whenever I read it I just think I sound like a very shallow person ;; I apologize.
Anyway! There are two more local events that I'll be attending this year, and there's Comic Fiesta in Malaysia which is happening in December, so I'll try my best to write about those events, as well! Please look forward to it~! (=´∀`)人(´∀`=)