Lace top c/o Chicnova, Candy Kawaii Lover skirt, Princess Bubblegum tattoo tights, platform sneakers c/o Rainbowholic Shop, Taobao Manila spiked headband and choker.
Surprise! Raven black hair! Well, not that it's really a surprise. If you've been following my recent posts on Twitter and Instagram, then you should already know that I've been flooding everyone with photos of my new ultra-black locks. What do you think? I love it. A lot. I thought I'd regret it once I finally did it, but I didn't. Though I kind of wish I didn't go and get my hair chopped off before I had it dyed.. but what's done is done. Also, I think my hair looks much healthier this way, so it's alright. More importantly, I love how it complements my white/pastel outfits! It's decided. I'm getting rid of anything that isn't white or pastel. I'm still keeping my black pieces, but only a handful maybe. Ah, I don't know. I'm too excited to think about it right now, really. This new change is probably one of the best things I've done this year, haha!
I got a bit too excited talking about my hair that I almost forgot to post these photos. These were taken the same day as my outfit shots above. The truth is, that day, we actually shot for a local newspaper! It's not a big spread or anything, just a spot for the streetstyle sectio. But still! I'm excited to see the actual thing. It's more exciting especially since I was with all these stylish people! The photos above are a little preview, taken by Jaro (last one by me lolol). Don't we look cool?
I also took a few outtakes from that day:

I had so much fun that day!! Meeting and hanging out with cool, stylish people + eating delicious food = best combo ever, in my opinion. I really hope all the South people can hang out more! Living on the Internet is fine, but it's just so much better to spend time with your favorite people doing your favorite things. Especially if it's taking photos + eating!