girls, be ambitious

girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
girls, be ambitious |
Lowrys Farm cardigan, Roxanne floral skater dress c/o She Likes, Candy Kawaii Lover tights, chunky heels c/o LovelyWholesale, classical hair pin c/o Morning Mori, Trinkets for Keeps carnation necklace.
The first half of the year seems to just have passed in a heartbeat, and without me being able to do anything even vaguely significant. I feel though that now that I'm realizing what I really want to do, I'm constantly creating little blueprints in my head, thinking of ways on how I should go about achieving the little goals I've set for myself. From time to time, I get asked why I don't try doing things like applying for a call center job or online ESL job.. Well, it's because I don't see how it's going to help me in what I do. I'm very aware that I'm not in a position to be choosy (beggars can't be choosers, lol), but I just can't see myself doing something like that.. especially since if I do, the only motivation would be money. I don't want that.

Since I'm really bad at explaining things.. here. I saw this quote a couple of nights ago on a friend's Facebook, and it just seemed to hit really close to home:"Don't settle. Don't finish crappy books. If you don't like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you're not on the right path, get off it." — Chris Brogan

That's exactly what I'm doing now. Slowly but surely I'm doing little things to make myself a better person.. or at least, a better version of me. With a bit of help, I've lost some weight (from 62kg, my heaviest self ever, to 56kg) and plan to continue doing so until I reach my target of 45kg. I've also joined an art group, my very first one! Activities start next year, but as early as now I've decided to start creating new material to put into my portfolio. What else.. oh, I have something planned for July as well! I'm cooking something up with my friends over at Dr. Sketchy's PH, which I'm very stoked about as well! So far the latter part of the year's starting to become really exciting for me, so let's just hope things go well from here!

Moving on.. how do you like my new look? It's actually not very new, if you saw my previous post you must've already noticed that my bangs have now decided to settle on either side of my face. And well, I'm giving myself a bit of time to get used to having them stay there. What do you think? I think it makes me look more feminine, no? But then again, it might just be because I was wearing this She Likes skater dress which just seemed to exude femininity, with its soft peach color and embossed rose pattern. Not to mention I -unsurprisingly- decided to pair it with what seems to be my girliest pair of shoes ever to date. Haha. I kind of like it though, not gonna lie. Let's see if I like it enough to continue until the next outfit post.