I feel bad for posting these so late, but I've been taking too many photos this month (thanks to Hujicam and my rediscovery of Afterlight) that I can't put my September and October snaps together in one post. I need to always keep my blog post photos at a certain number, or else our slow-ass Philippine internet won't be able to load my site, lol. So for now, here are my photos from September 🌿

On September 9th, Aian and I went to SMX for Best of Anime. My reason for going was to support Seishun Kakumei during their perf, but we ended up arriving late so I couldn't watch them perform. Still, I was happy to see all my SK and Kawaii PH friends again ♥

After the event, we went to Dohtonbori with our friend Allysa for our usual post-con dinner together. I was so hungry that I forgot to take a photo of our okonomiyaki, so have a photo of our radish and seaweed salad instead.

I became obsessed with Sunmi's Gashina ever since it came out, hence the photos lol

A very pregnant Aventine kitty~

The week after BoA, we went to Southmall to run some errands. Buy groceries, get my ID photo taken for JLPT registration, etc. While we were there, I saw this huge Tsum Tsum display! So cute! I also got to eat my favorite mini-donuts with cinnamon sugar ♥

On the 18th, I asked Aian to accompany me as I submit my JLPT registration to the Japan Foundation Manila office in Makati. The registration only a few minutes, so afterwards we decided to look inside the JFM Library. I was surprised to see so many different manga titles there! Had I known about this place when I was younger, I probably would have spent all my free time there.

Afterwards, Aian and I had lunch at Yabu. I actually wanted to have ramen, but we found out that day that Kichitora (my second favorite ramen place!!) had closed down ;____; Yabu has slightly healthier food choices though, so it's all good.

When we got home in the evening, we found out that Aventine kitty had already given birth! Four healthy baby kitties ♥

This is them after almost half a month. SO SMOL AND CUTE. The two orange kitties at the top are male, while the two tortoiseshell ?? calico ?? kitties below them are female. I'm looking to have them adopted after 2 months or so!

There are LOTS of new food establishments where we live, so it's hard not to be tempted to eat out. But because Aian and I always want to stick to our #getfit plan, we try to choose healthy food choices even when eating out. It's pretty easy for me since I've always liked veggies anyway. It gets hard when I start craving for ice cream, because I don't like frozen yogurt, which is the healthy replacement /cry

I love veggies, so I've been eating them whenever we get the chance to buy them. Romaine lettuce is SO GOOD with tomatoes and cucumbers. Just these three plus garlic dressing is my go-to salad for when I feel like snacking in between meals.

And what's a life lately post without our seven babies?

Speaking of which... Sometime mid-September we were faced with a sudden crisis ;___; Ame suddenly fell sick and refused to eat for a full day. The next day, Aian took him to the vet where they took a blood sample for testing. When the result came back, it turned out that Ame had developed an ulcer and liver problems from not eating. He had to be confined for 2 days. Then he was sent home because he refused to eat from stress while being confined. The vet thought he might start eating if he went back home. We had no idea what the underlying cause of everything was.... but all we could do was get Ame to eat again so he can recover. It was a stressful week. I finally got Ame to eat by hand-feeding him mushy canned recovery food. It was like this for a few days until he finally started eating solid dry food on his own again. I took this photo then. I was so relieved to see him eating on his own that I felt like crying at the time.

Ame by the end of September. He lost so much weight ;____; He was around 3.5kg before, so I'm assuming that he's only around 2.5~3kg now. The good news is that he's recovering well. He's currently a month into recovery. I took a new photo of Ame just last week, and he's looking much better! Hopefully by next month he'll be able to regain the weight that he lost and he'll be happy and healthy again~~