I recently downloaded two new photo apps—Analog Tokyo and Hipstamatic—so I've become very snap happy these days. (I wish I'd downloaded them earlier, before the rainy season started!) Here's how my June has looked like so far, through my phone.

First time at Kat's Cafe's new location. I really liked their pasta with mushrooms but it made me SO full..

Aventine kitty! Named after our apartment complex lol. I'm sad that we're not able to rehome her, but she isn't fond of people other than us so it's a bit hard. Instead, we've been feeding her regularly for more than a year now.

Pretty fire trees ♥

Satisfying my sinigang sa miso craving at Vibang's.

Caught this one climbing on all the things.

Sleeping soundly on a rainy afternoon.

Non-stop rain.

Dinner at Kat's on a rainy evening. Their roast beef sammich is so good! Also yes, I still drink cold drinks on rainy days, heh.

Spent the long weekend at my mom's. Took the time to say hello to all our pets, since I felt bad about not being able to properly say goodbye to one of our puppers that passed away last month. (RIP, Hachi.)

One of the things my lolo likes to do is to visit the nearby supermarkets and look for new snacks to try. This one was REALLY good. It's like a brownie but in peanut brittle form! I think I ate like three packs of this over the weekend lol

Celebrating our lolo's birthday. (I don't know why, but the "From all of us" on the cake was so funny to me....)
That's all the photos I have for now! :)