Day 101 – If you look closely, you'll see that Ame's wearing a shirt in this photo heh

This post almost didn't make it this week, lol. AccuWeather RealFeel is always at around 🔥43°C🔥 these days so I've been putting blogging off.. My heart wants to work, but my body doesn't!! Please cooperate, body! ðŸ˜
Things that made me happy last week:
What was the highlight of your week?
To have a better appreciation of life's moments, no matter how mundane, my 365 day challenge for 2017 is to take photos every day of the year, and at the same time write a list of things that have made me happy recently.
Things that made me happy last week:
- I finally organized my skincare stash last Sunday!! The lighting in the apartment is so bad that you can't see everything properly, but I just had to take a photo because it took me almost 2 hours to go through everything (sheet masks, samples, empties, etc)! I'll make sure to take better photos next time.
- Aian and I went to Southmall to pay for our internet bill last Tuesday. Since we were there, I asked if we could drop by Miniso. They didn't have the little wire baskets that I was looking for, but I did buy a new selfie stick! It's white and lavender, so cute! I've been having a hard time taking photos for reviews, so the selfie stick is going to help a lot.
- EXID had their comeback last week! The new mini is called 'Eclipse', and all the songs are SO GOOD. I miss Solji a lot though, I wish she could join even just for a little bit for this comeback, since all their promos look like they're having so much fun!
- Kisum also dropped a new mini-album last week! OUT OF NOWHERE. The mini is called 'The Sun, The Moon' and as with all of Kisum's releases (note: post-UPRS), I liked all of the songs on it. The MV for 'Sleep Tight' is super cute, too.
- Jinwoo has been posting so many selcas on his Instagram recently and I couldn't be prouder.
- Seeing our cats in boxes or in funny sitting positions always makes me happy!
- During my break from blogging, I managed to back up and delete 3 years' worth of photos from my phone. (I kept all the cat photos though, heh.)
- Eating super sour green mangoes with bagoong!
- Finding a hugeass version of Boy Bawang at the grocery!
- The person who adopted the cute calico baby we fostered finally sent me photos! I was so surprised to see how big she's grown in such a short amount of time. So happy to see she's doing well ♥
- Currently listening to Night Rather Than Day by EXID. (Stan EXID!)
What was the highlight of your week?
To have a better appreciation of life's moments, no matter how mundane, my 365 day challenge for 2017 is to take photos every day of the year, and at the same time write a list of things that have made me happy recently.