I was feeling really good about March because I had a good head start, but other than that there's only been a handful of bright spots in my month so far. I have a ton of things to work on for this month, so I'm trying my best not to burn myself out. Self-care is my main priority, so I'm trying my best to distance myself from the usual source of emotional stress. *coughFacebookcough* Right now we're getting ready to go out and watch the new Death Note movie (which seems really timely with all that's happening in the country right now.. sigh). I'm personally not a fan of non-canon sequels (the new movie is set years after the events of the manga ended), but this one's actually pretty interesting. I'm hoping it will prove me wrong by actually being good. We'll see!

Things that made me happy recently:
What was the highlight of your week?
To have a better appreciation of life's moments, no matter how mundane, my 365 day challenge for 2017 is to take photos every day of the year, and at the same time write a list of things that have made me happy recently.
- Had a great start of the week – Aian and I went to Megamall to meet up with the little tuxedo cat's prospective adoptive parents. We'd been talking online about meeting up since early February, and after almost a month, Aian and I finally took the babycat to meet them. I grew attached to that babycat really quickly, so I was so sad to see him go. I'll miss him a lot, but I feel very happy and relieved knowing that he's in a loving new home now. (With two new kitty siblings!)
- Having my favorite milk tea twice in one week. It's the Premium Assam Milk Tea in the blue bottle that you can find at 711. I used to drink it almost every day, but I'm getting really fat so I've cut down on my milk tea intake by a lot ;____;
- GFriend's new song, Fingertip, came out recently and I've been really into it! I never got into GFriend because their debut song sounded a lot like SNSD's Into the New World to me, so that left a not-so-good impression. I did start liking SinB after seeing her on the Weekly Idol eps with Hani and Heechul, but I still couldn't get into GFriend's music at the time. Fingertip is right up my alley though, so I've been listening to it a lot these days!
- Going on a quick tapsi run after finishing errands.
- Playing with the cute calico baby that lives outside Aian's place. She literally lives right in front of Aian's doorstep, lol. She leaves to play sometimes, and when we go outside she comes up to us to ask for food or to play. At night she comes back to sleep in the box we left outside. So cute. We're having her adopted soon though, so I'm trying not to get too attached. (I'm already failing miserably at that.)
- the GazettE celebrated their 15th anniversary last March 10th!! I'm super happy for them, but at the same time super bitter that I couldn't be at the anniversary live. (THEY PLAYED CASSIS AGAIN!) I'm praying that they reach up to 20, 25, 30 years so I can still go to one of their anniversary lives because those are always super fun and have the best setlists ; v ;
- the GazettE's new album, Traces Vol. 2, which is a re-recording of some of their well-loved ballads, also came out in time for their anniversary. I was thinking of buying it on iTunes while I still don't have a physical copy, because I'd been DYING to hear all the songs ever since the album announcement. But thankfully, they released it on Spotify! Cassis, Guren, and Calm Envy = ♥
- Seeing pictures of the stray cats that we've successfully re-homed. I follow the people who adopted strays from us, so when I see pictures of the cats in their new homes, I get all warm and fuzzy inside. I miss everyone a lot and think about them all the time, but I'm glad they're living more comfortably now ♥
- Publishing two beauty-related posts that seemed to take forever to finish writing. It takes me ages to draft a post, take the photos that I need, actually write the post, go over it for any mistakes, delete any rambly parts, and then check if it's good enough to publish. Personal posts like this one are easier to write because I can just write whatever or even fill it with emoticons and it would still be okay, lol. Reviews are different because I want them to be as helpful as possible to people who read them. Writing reviews is hard work, so I'm glad I was able to finish two in a single week!
- Aian finally got his PC upgraded. He's been using the same PC for 7 years now, so we've been reminding him to upgrade since last year. He kept putting it off because he says it would take a lot of time to backup and re-install everything, but last Saturday he finally went and bought new gear. It took 2 days before he could finally get his system up and running though, but at least everything's okay now! (I benefit from this as well, because I use his PC for Lightroom heheh.)
What was the highlight of your week?
To have a better appreciation of life's moments, no matter how mundane, my 365 day challenge for 2017 is to take photos every day of the year, and at the same time write a list of things that have made me happy recently.