Hey everyone—apologies for disappearing for a week! The truth is I've had this post in my head since I published the last one, but I didn't know how to go about posting it. I really wanted to do a Life Lately post for August, but when I tried looking for photos I couldn't find much. I think the reason is because Aian's been really busy with projects lately, so we've been spending most of our time at home. The only ever times we went out were when we went to eat out, hang out at Mr. Park's, or see a movie (but we only saw two recently – One Piece Gold and Train to Busan), and when I'm at home I only ever take snaps of the kids (the cats, if you're still wondering), so I just gathered what I could from my phone.

Discovered the new Mr. Park's in BFRV, which quickly became our new favorite hangout place. (Check out my post on Mr. Park's here.)
Making: plans for a certain event in October Reading: Death Note: Another Note Wanting: everything on the 3Tempo Korea site Looking: to get new Real Techniques face brushes Playing: around with Lightroom presets Deciding: on my blog post topics for the rest of September Enjoying: Red Velvet's addicting new song, Russian Roulette Waiting: for new packages to arrive Liking: the direction that my blog's been taking Wondering: when I'll be able to get a Gengar on PokeGo Loving: Nana Kitade's new look ♥ Pondering: life choices Considering: re-installing Mystic Messenger on my phone Watching: Parks and Recreation – we only started watching this last weekend and now we're on Season 2 lol | Needing: to get my own laptop Wearing: a Little My shirt from UNIQLO + my old PE shorts Following: REITA on Instagram !! Noticing: how cute my babycats are becoming Knowing: everything will be fine; don't worry too much Thinking: of trying out the bingsu place in Alabang sometime Admiring: this girl and her videos – Hanbyul ★ Buying: nothing for this month _(┐「ε:)_ Getting: excited for Cosplay Mania!! Rippi ♥ ♥ ♥ Bookmarking: beauty blogs focusing on Asian skincare Disliking: how I've been eating so much recently Feeling: proud of myself for keeping my Instagram feed somewhat coherent thus far Coveting: RV Irene's new lavender grey hairrr Wishing: I can keep things going just as I'm doing now |
Hope you're all having a great month, friends ♥