sweet luxury

sweet luxury | chainyan.co
sweet luxury | chainyan.co sweet luxury | chainyan.co
sweet luxury | chainyan.co
Labyrinth Garden cardigan, sakura dress c/o NewDress, Accessorize tights, shoes c/o LovelyWholesale, bag c/o Wholesalebuying
Hi everyone! Apologies for not posting at all this past week. Leave it to me to promise to do more for my blog, and then forget it about it completely. Well, not completely, anyway. The EN version of Blade & Soul recently launched on the 19th, and it's been AGES since I've played an MMORPG that I got a bit caught up in playing, and I'm afraid I haven't been able to do anything else. Sorry! But really, who could resist this adorable face? _(:3 」∠)_

Here's an outfit that I shot a few days before I fell victim to started playing B&S. It's quite girly, or at least, it has a lot of different girly elements put together. I wanted it to look romantic, but it ended up looking like a hodgepodge of all my favorite girly things—baby pink, ribbons, florals, hearts, even more baby pink. As I was putting it together, I felt it might be a bit OTT, but I realized I'd be perfectly okay with going out like this. My motto when dressing up: as long as I'm comfortable with how I look, it's fine. (This is how I'm okay with dressing like a cupcake on most days, haha!)