Korean barbecue at Go!Kizip

Korean barbecue at Go!Kizip | chainyan.co
Korean barbecue at Go!Kizip | chainyan.co
Korean barbecue at Go!Kizip | chainyan.co
Korean barbecue at Go!Kizip | chainyan.co

I recently went out with my dad and brother to have dinner at a Korean BBQ place in Adriatico. I've never actually been to Adriatico before, so it was my first time seeing so many Japanese and Korean BBQ places in one place! It was a Friday, so there were so many people eating and drinking out on the street. While we were in the car I had fun trying to read all the neon signs (mostly stuff like やき肉 and うまい). We went to this place called Go!Kizip Korean Restaurant, and had samgyeopsal and two orders of woosamgyeop. Believe it or not, it was my very first time having samgyeopsal! I was always curious about it, since I always see it in dramas. I wasn't expecting to like it so much (I'm not really fond of Korean dishes..) but I did! I only had 4 out of the 10+ sides they brought out though, and I still wasn't brave enough to try the kimchi. I had my samgyeopsal with green onions, garlic, and sesame oil, wrapped in lettuce. It was sooo good! I really liked it. And it was cheap too, like P1000 for all of our orders. We were even given watermelon as dessert! My brother and I were so full that we didn't have space for ice cream anymore! The only ever time that happens when eating out is when we go to all-you-can-eat buffets, and usually that costs us around P600-800 per person. I'm planning to visit again soon, with Aian and friends this time! And maybe then I'll try tasting the kimchi. Maaaybe.

P.S. Sorry for the terrible photo quality! I did say in one of my previous posts that I'd try my best to take more photos and post more ~daily life things~ on the blog, which is why I've started bringing the G12 with me whenever I leave the house, but for some reason I completely forgot to take it out of my bag once we began eating......_(:3 」∠)_