Last Saturday, I dragged Aian to see tricot perform at 19 East in Parañaque. Japanese bands almost never come to Philippine shores, so I was pretty excited about it. I've never been to any concerts before, and since the venue was pretty near, I thought this would be a great chance to experience a live. The thing was though, I'd only ever heard of the band's name before, but never really tried listening to their songs. The first time I actually searched for their songs was when The Japan Foundation put up the poster for their live on Facebook. I typed 'tricot' on Youtube, clicked on the first thing that came up, listened, got hooked, fell in love.
The tricot live was.. kind of wild, haha. Not GazettE-live-level-wild (meaning, no flying bottles or people headbanging their brains out), but it was super lively! People were dancing and jumping and singing, it was so fun. Their sound was amaaazing live. Everyone was so in sync, I was floored. All the members were very cute, heh. The crowd also got Komaki, the drummer, to do a drum solo, which was pretty cool! Even though by the end of the event I was tired from all the jumping, an hour was not enough. The only thing though, I wish the crowd (including myself, heh) would've danced more! I looked at some videos of tricot's lives and people were all jumping up and down most of the time. But I do love that tricot already has a local fanbase; I was mildly surprised when the crowd suddenly started singing along when they played 『爆裂パニエさん』, haha!
Suuuper fun night. Not bad for my first ever live experience! Aian had fun too, which is always a good thing! (I never know what he's thinking..) I can't wait for them to come back. They did say they were going to, so I'm looking forward to that! You can check tricot out on Youtube as well: youtube.com/user/tricot0901