Rivet & Surge top, Coco Fashion skirt*, Accessorize tights, yeswalker brogues*, Morning Mori hairclip*.
Simple yet sweet mori gyaru look! Despite my affinity to dressing like a cupcake on most occasions, in reality I am the total opposite of how I dress. Truth is, I'm not really the girly-girl that my personal style or blog makes me appear to be. Don't get me wrong, I do love girly things—frilly dresses, bubblegum pink, the like—but my personality and my preference for such things are light-years apart. I'm actually kind of rough and not feminine at all. Up until highschool I was a total tomboy and only had interest in anime. I swear a lot, laugh loudly like an auntie, and am a total slob at home. The only reason why I'm not at all like that in public is because I've trained myself to be "proper" when with people I'm not particularly close with. It's kind of like the protagonist in Switch Girl!!, haha! But I digress. What I'm getting at is, I am really thankful that even with this roughness of mine, I can still project a bit of my cuteness and femininity through fashion and personal style. I mean, who would ever think that this girl with flowers on her skirt, heart tights, and cupcake hair actually spends more time reading One Piece than worrying about what to wear? Not a lot of people.