we can start again from the beginning

Thrifted top, sandals, beret, and bag; vintage skirt; Accessorize tights; gifted necklace and orb watch.
A couple of weeks ago I asked Aian if we could drop by Ayala Museum to visit Sharaku Interpreted, a recently-opened exhibit featuring Japanese contemporary artists' interpretations of Sharaku wood block prints. Because Aian's been really busy with work, I'd already told him that we can just visit whenever he gets a bit of free time. We finally decided to visit last Thursday, but to our surprise the exhibit was closed because of an ongoing event at the museum. What really bad timing! :( Good thing Aian was able to buy tickets for The Dark Knight Rises earlier that day. The movie was really good! I liked the second movie more though. And there were parts where I couldn't understand anything Batman was saying, wtf. But overall it was a really fun day! I really missed hanging out in Makati with Aian.

About that day's outfit.. I blame it all on this song. Ever since watching Crows Zero II I've been overly fixated on one of the people in the movie, Ayano Go. And after a bit of stalking, I stumbled upon that PV by MEG. The song is so cute! And the lyrics are all in French. I've been playing it on constant repeat ever since.