Photos from our trip to Splash Island early last year. I realize it took me almost a year to have these developed. I kept putting it off because at the time I only had 3 rolls of undeveloped film, and Digiprint, the place where I get films developed, has this thing where you can get up to 5 rolls done for a certain price. And because I decided to stop buying films for a while (I got tired of playing with my toy cameras), I never got to completing five. When I finally did though, I found out that the Digiprint branch closest to where I am closed down. T_____T I had to settle for another place, whose services are muuuch more expensive, sigh. Anyway. These were all taken using a plastic underwater camera and random films. Most of them were actually expired, which explains the coloring. I actually like those the most, haha.
This day was really fun! Although I didn't really like the slides as much as Aian did, because I'm SUPER SCARED OF HEIGHTS, haha ;; Which was why I spent most of the time taking photos of Aian enjoying himself. I had fun just swimming though! I love being in the water, after all.