It's summer!! The weeks are passing by too quickly! March is over but things are still pretty hectic. I'll be staying at home for the rest of the week (unlike last week where we were out 3 out of 7 days), but I'll be spending all my time working on K-beauty reviews. I actually need to get a move on with that as my deadline's coming up, so I'll keep this short! Here's last week's photos + happy list!

Things that made me happy last week:
What was the highlight of your week?
To have a better appreciation of life's moments, no matter how mundane, my 365 day challenge for 2017 is to take photos every day of the year, and at the same time write a list of things that have made me happy recently.
- Started the week with my usual Sunday skincare session: my usual routine plus a clay mask and a sheet mask.
- I finally organized my skincare stash! I used to just keep everything in separate drawers and boxes, but I got sick of constantly having to look for whatever I need to use. Now I have everything in just two boxes—one for my usual skincare stuff, the other for my sheet masks. All the other products I rarely use are tucked away in one of my drawers.
- Seeing my growing sheet mask collection all in one place! I wanted to get one of those cute baskets from Daiso to store my masks but I keep forgetting to look for one, so I used an old Althea box with the top cut off instead.
- Aian and I went to the opening night of the GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS exhibit on the 28th. I got to see so much beautiful art by super talented local female artists + saw friends I haven't seen in a while. Fun fun!
- Seeing photos of kitties we've previously rehomed on my feed. I'm glad to know that they're all very well-loved ♥
- We watched the finale of ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka and it was SO GOOD!!!!!!! The anime was good from start to finish, really. If you haven't seen it, please do so! I'm just a little bit sad that it's over – I'll miss seeing Jean and Nino every week.
- Seeing Nora constantly trying to fit herself into small boxes. Just to see if she'd try to fit herself in any box, I gave her a super tiny box that won't even fit her butt. She tried to fit but settled for just having her upper half in it lol.
- Having CoCoIchi's shrimp cutlet curry after Aian's workshop. (The CoCoIchi at Rob Midtown is really cute!)
- Finding out the JoJo anime (Diamonds Are Unbreakable) used I Want You by Savage Garden (aka one of my favorite 90s songs lol) as one of their ending songs. I thank Allysa for this amazing discovery!
- I found someone selling Beauty Blender Pros in one of the beauty groups in FB, so I'm finally able to buy a new BB!
- Our friend Xandra is back in the Philippines for a short while, so Aian and I met up with her last Saturday. We met up at ATC and went to her place to play Exploding Kittens and watch visual kei live perfs!
- I'm still listening to B-DAY by Lucy ft. Kisum! I'll probably keep listening to it until I find a new bop to listen to this summer.
What was the highlight of your week?
To have a better appreciation of life's moments, no matter how mundane, my 365 day challenge for 2017 is to take photos every day of the year, and at the same time write a list of things that have made me happy recently.