Follow me on Instagram: _chainyan
Yet even more photos from my phone. I took about the same amount of photos as last month, I think? These were all taken with my phone still, but some photos look nicer than others. I'm still trying to figure out which filters (on VSCO and Afterlight) look good on which photos, and I'm also trying to make my Instagram photos look as nice as the photos I take with my cameras, so some photos look different from the rest. Experimenting on editing photos on something with such a small screen is a bit tricky after all, haha. Anyway, that's it for now! I'll be taking a short break from the blog until the end of the month, the reason is that Aian and I will be out of the country.We'll be flying to Malaysia for the annual Comic Fiesta. I'm super excited!! This is the first time either of us will be taking a step outside of Philippine shores, and this is also the first time I've ever booked tickets and such myself. I'll be super busy with packing, coordinating with our Malaysian friends, making sure everything's in order, etc. I want this whole experience to be a good one, so it's quite nerve-wracking for me! I'm very OC when it comes to planning things (which is why I almost never plan anything, ahaha..), you see! I'm sure everything's going to go alright, but I just can't calm down. I'll be meeting a couple of Malaysian friends who I've only ever talked to online as well, so with me being my awkward self, I'm nervous and at the same time super excited. If any of you are from Malaysia and would like to meet up, just let me know! We'll be in Comic Fiesta for both days, so feel free to drop me a message or something if you're going! (〃艸〃)